Central Library

Central Library, Year,2024 Report

The Central Library is an important educational center of the university and working as centralized library with three constituent colleges of Swami Keshwanand Agricultural University, Bikaner. The Central Library is situated in main SKRAU campus and occupies an area of 1987 sqm. Central Library houses text books 18320. The facility of internet access and E-mail is available within the building through optical fiber from SKRAU Local Area Network. Twelve nodes are available for internet access. A separate room has been reserved for Ph. D. Scholars to access internet for their thesis work. Central library has placed bibliography of entire completed Ph. D. thesis on the university website(www.raubikaner.org ).Further, all the Ph.D. 706 and M.Sc. 2918 Thesis’s converted into digitized from and could be accessed through computer in the Central library. Reprography service and bibliography data base for PG and Ph.D. thesis is available in library.

Library Management Committee

  1. Hon. Librarian — Chairman

  2. Dean CCsc. — Member

  3. Director — IABM Member

  4. Office In charge — Member

  5. Comptroller — Member

  6. Dr. C.P. Rajpurohit — Secretary, University Librarian

Library Committee Meetings are held every year

Working Hours : Monday to Saturday from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm

Library Management Software :- KOHA

The status of digitization of automation is as follows :

Items :- Status

Book on OPAC up to 2023

Thesis of PG & Ph.D. up to 2023





Journals (Annuals subscription)

45 Indian Journals received gratis basis





English and Hindi Newspapers


Online facilities available

1.1300 journals through CeRA consortia by ICAR

2. All SAU, Ph. D. thesis database available online in central library through KRISHI KOSH Portal.

Internet Connectivity :- Whole library is facilitating through LAN & Wi-Fi for internet browsing.

Subscription of research journals, periodicals, e-journals: Consortium of e-Resources In Agriculture (CeRA) Online Journals:-More than 3000 scientific journals ara available online through with Springer links Springer-verlog: Through this bouquet user can access in full text 70+ journals, Annual Review: Annual Review is authoritative, analytic reviews in 22 focused disciplines .CSIRO: Australia commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization 8 journals. com 131 journals, Taylor and Francis Ltd 1079 journals, Oxford Journals: Oxford University Press 30 journals, American Society of Agronomy 8 journals, Elsevier Science:358 journals.

Security : Library is equipped with latest security devices like controlled and watched by Close Circuit new Six Camera in the year 2024.



Central Library 

Office E-mail Address : bikaner_center@rediffmail.com
Office Phone No. :