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Academic Council


Ex-Officio ChairmanDr. Arun Kumar
Dean, Post Graduate StudiesDr. R.K. Verma
Dean & Faculty Chairperson, College of Agriculture, BikanerDr. P.K Yadav
Dean, College of Agriculture, Sri GanganagarDr. B.S. Meena
Dean, College of Agriculture, HanumangarhDr. Hanuman Ram
Dean, College of Agriculture, Mandawa (Jhunjhunu)Dr. P.C. Gupta
Dean, College of Agriculture, Chandgothi (Churu)Dr. S.M. Kumawat
Dean, College of Community Science, BikanerDr. (Mrs.) Vimla Dunkwal
Director, Land Scaping & Revenue Generation, SKRAU, Bikaner Dr. Data Ram Kumhar
Director of Research (Ag), Bikaner Dr. Vijay Prakash
Director of Extension Education,Bikaner Dr. Neena Sareen
Director, I.A.B.M.,Bikaner Dr. I.P. Singh
Director, Students Welfare, Bikaner Dr. N.S. Dahiya
Director, Prioritization, Monitoring & Evaluation,BikanerDr. H.S. Deshwal
Director-DHRD, Bikaner Dr. (Mrs.) Dipali Dhawan
Section 29 (8) (g)
All Heads of departments not below the rank of Associate Professor
Faculty of Agriculture
Deptt. of AgronomyDr. Amer Singh Godara
Deptt. of G&PBDr. Sujit Kumar Yadav
Agriculture Ext. and CommunicationDr. R.K. Verma
Deptt of Agri. Chem. Soil Sc.Dr. S.R. Yadav
Deptt. of Plant PathologyDr. Data Ram Kumhar
Dept. of Agril. EconomicsDr. K.C. Bairwa
Deptt. of Animal ProductionDr. N.S. Dahiya
Deptt. of StatisticsVacant
Deptt. of BiochemistryVacant
Deptt. of EntomologyDr. H. L. Deshwal
Deptt of Agril. Engg.Dr. Bhupendra Singh
Deptt. of Plant BiotechnologyDr. Sujit Kumar Yadav
Deptt of HorticultureDr. P.K. Yadav
Deptt of Plant PhysiologyVacant
Deptt of NematologyVacant
Faculty of Community Science
Deptt. of Foods & NutritionDr. (Mrs.) Vimla Dunkwal
Deptt. of Home Sci. Ext. and Communication Management
CCSC., Bikanerr
Dr. (Mrs.) Neena Sareen
Deptt of RMCSVacant
Deptt of HDFSVacant
Deptt of Textiles and Appreal DesigningVacant
Faculty of Agri-Business Management
Director, IABM, BikanerDr. I.P. Singh
Section 29 (8) I (h)
Two Internal Members of Extension Prog. not below the rank of Assoc. Prof. nominated by Vice-Chancellor
Senior Scientist & Head, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Jaisalmer Dr. Deepak Chaturvedi,
(Ph.D. Extension Education)
College of Agriculture, SriganmganagarDr. Seem Chawala, Associate Professor (CAS),
Section 29 (8) I (i)
Two Assoc. Prof. &Four Asstt. Professors (Elected)
Assoc. ProfessorDr. Chander Bhan,
COA, Hanumangarh

Assoc. ProfessorDr. Dasharath Prasad
KVK, Pokran
Asstt. ProfessorMr. Vivek Vyas,
IABM, Bikaner
Asstt. ProfessorDr. Ramesh Chand Bairwa
ARS, Bikaner
Asstt. ProfessorDr. Raguhuvir Singh Meena
ARS, Sriganganagar
Asstt. ProfessorVacant as on 03.12.2021
Section 29 (8) I (j)
Two External Members nominated by the Vice-Chancellor
External MemberDr. A.K. Singh
Ex. DDG (Natural Resource Management)
Krishi Anusandhan Bhawan - II,
New Delhi
External MemberDr. Prabhat Kumar
Commissioner, Horticulture
DAC and FW
Govt. of India - New Delhi
Section 29 (8) I (k)
Registrar of the University Member Secretary
Member Secretary, RegistrarDr. Deva Ram Saini, IAS
Invite Member
Comptroller, SKRAU, BikanerSh. Rajendra Kumar Khatri
Controller of Examinations, SKRAU, BikanerDr. R.S. Rathore