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ARS Sriganganagar

Agricultural Research Station, Sriganganagar is a zonal research centre established under Rajasthan Agricultural University to carry out basic and applied research for Irrigated North Wersten Plain Zone (1b) of Rajasthan. Besides generating basic knowledge and material, the station also involved in development of appropriate production and protection technologies, production and supply of breeder seed of improved varieties, demonstration and transfer of technologies.


With commissioning of canal system in 1927 the then king of Bikaner, His Highness Maharaja Ganga Singh Ji, established a farm of 220 hectares under Krishi Vibhag “Rajshree Bikaner”. In 1950, an area of 84 hectare was separated from the original farm and a separate farm was established. In 1962, the State Government of Rajasthan named it as Regional Research Station for testing and verification of the research material to cater the needs of the farmers of this area. The first building at the farm was constructed in 1966 and is currently Agronomy section of this station. The regional research station was entrusted to work in the field of Breeding, Agronomy, Entomology, Pathology and agricultural Chemistry. Mewar Cotton Improvement Scheme, funded by Indian Central Cotton committee (ICCC), Bombay was the first research project transferred at this research farm from Udaipur along with Cotton Technology Unit in 1963. With the abolition of ICCC, the ICAR launched the all India Coordinated Cotton Improvement Project (AICCIP) in 1967 with main centre at Sriganganagar. In April 1977, entire agricultural research along with this station transferred from Department of Agriculture, Govt of Rajasthan to University of Udaipur. National Agriculture Research Project (NARP) was formulated by ICAR for strengthening of regional research capabilities for finding solutions to the location specific problems. The state was divided into five major zones based on rainfall pattern, soil types and cropping features of the region. Accordingly, Irrigated North Western Plain Zone (Zone 1b) was identified with main research station at Sriganganagar and sub station at Hanumangarh.




The Irrigated North-Western Plain Zone (1b) comprises two districts of Rajasthan, Sriganganagar and Hanumangarh, which are located between 28.40 to 30.60 North latitude and 72.30 to 75.30 East longitudes. The zone has geographical area of 20.6 lac hectares out of which about 74 per cent area is under cultivation. The Ferozpur district of Punjab and Hissar district of Haryana form North-Western boundary, Churu and Bikaner districts of Rajasthan form South boundary and International border of Pakistan forms the North and North-Western boundary of the zone. Fifty percent of the cultivated area in the zone is irrigated. The Gang, Bhakhra and Indira Gandhi Canals are the major sources of irrigation in the zone. The zone has extreme climatic conditions with the scorching summer, cold winter and mild rainy season. Dust storms during summer, frosty winter nights and ground fog are some of the typical features of weather hazards. The mean annual rainfall of the zone is 322 mm. The zone (1b) has been delineated into four micro farming situations based upon availability of irrigation water, agroecological conditions and soil type:


Name of the micro-farming situation Area covered


Per cent of total sown area
1. Canal irrigated light soils 7.80 50.0
2. Ghaggar flood plains 0.65 04.0
3. Rainfed area 6.20 40.0
4. Salt affected and water logged area 0.75 04.8







Research station Lead functions Verification function
ARS, Sriganganagar Cotton, Water and Soil Management, Crop Physiology, Fruit Research (Grape, Mango, Kinnow, Malta, Peach, Grape), Drip Irrigation System in Orchards, Post-harvest Technology, Biological Control of Insects-pests and Diseases, Integrated Nutrient and Pest Management Clusterbean, Wheat, Barley, Sugarcane & Pesticide residues
ARSS, Hanumangarh Chickpea (Irrigated and Unirrigated), Soil Salinity and Drainage Groundnut, Sesame, Sunflower and Mustard




  • New high yielding, early maturing, disease & pest resistant varieties of cotton,  gram, mustard, groundnut, guar, mothbean, wheat and barley
  • Technology refinement in agronomic practices for mandate crops
  • Improvement in plant protection technologies for mandate crops
  • Integrated nutrient management
  • Integrated pest management
  • Organic farming
  • Crop Diversification
  • Refinement of technology for plantation of fruit plants like kinnow, pomegranate, Amla, ber etc.
  • Development of Post harvest technology and value addition in fruit plants and crops
  • Research on vegetable breeding and production
  • Impact studies of technologies
  • Technology transfer





Farm facilities: The Agricultural Research Station, Sriganganagar is having 78 hectares land. Out of which 68 hectares land is cultivable with canal water and pressurized irrigation system.

Automatic Weather station: Various weather parameters are recorded and compiled regularly from Automatic Weather station.

Library: Library of this station houses more than 1000 books and journals in the important disciplines of agriculture

Laboratories: Following laboratory facilities are available at this station:

Soil chemistry lab, Plant pathology lab, Horticulture Lab, Plant Health Clinic, Agronomy lab, Tissue culture lab

Agro-shed net, Screen House,ARIS Cell,Poly Houses and Net Houses

Four Water reservoirs of 50 lac, 20 lac, 10 lac and 6 lac litres water capacity with pump house




Total sanctioned staff
Total Scientific Technical Ministerial Supporting
Professor Associate Professor Assistant


62 03 03 14 17 06 19





Name of projects Source of finance (75%+25%) Date of start Project Incharge
 AICRP on Rabi Pulses ICAR +State 1988 Dr. Vijay Prakash
 AICRP on Cotton ICAR+State 1967 Dr. N K Sharma
AICRP on Sugarcane ICAR +state 1999-2000 Dr. Raghuvir Singh Meena
AICRP on Irrigation Water Management ICAR+ State 1980 Dr. Lokesh Kumar Jain


AICRP on Rapeseed & Mustard ICAR+ State 1993-94 Dr. Vijay Prakash
AICRP on Fruits ICAR +State 2009-10 Dr. Ravi Kumar Meena
AICRP on STCR ICAR +State 1996 Dr. Lokesh Kumar Jain
Gramin Krishi Mausam Sewa MoES, GOI 1996 Dr. Raghuvir Singh Meena
Pulses Seed Hub ICAR under NFSM 2016-17 Dr. Vijay Prakash
Oilseed Hub ICAR under NFSM 2018 Dr. Lokesh Kumar Jain
7K-NON PLAN State Plan regular Dr. Lokesh Kumar Jain
14-H Centre for Horticulture State Plan regular Dr. Ravi Kumar Meena





Fifty one high yielding improved varieties have been developed and released for cultivation at National as well as State level:


Varieties developed

American Cotton (10)

RS 2827 (2021), RS 2818 (2021), RS 2814 (2020),

RS-2013 (2002), RS-810 (2000), RS-875 (1995)

Maru Vikas (1995), RST-9 (1991), Ganganagar Ageti (1978), Bikaneri Nerma (1977)

Desi Cotton (04)

RG-542 (2013), RAJDH-9 (2004), RG-18 (1997),

RG-8 (1988)

Chickpea (16)

Moomal (GNG 2461) (2023), Keshav (GNG 2261)(2021)

Purva (GNG 2299) (2019), Avadh (GNG 2207) (2018)

Meera (GNG 2171) (2017), Teej (GNG 2144) (2016)

Marudhar (GNG 1958) (2013), Triveni (GNG 1969) (2013). Gangaur (GNG-1581) (2008)

Gauri (GNG-1499) (2007), Sangam (GNG-1488) (2007)

GNG-1292 (2002), Samarat (GNG-469) (1996)

Vardan (GNG-663) (1994), GNG-146 (1984)

GNG-16 (1982)


Mustard (07)

RGN-298 (2015), RGN-236 (2013), RGN-229 (2013)

RGN-145 (2009), RGN-73 (2007), RGN-48 (2006)

RGN-13 (2003)

Mungbean (02)

Jamnotri (Ganga-1) (2006), Gangotri (Ganga-8) (2000)

Wheat (08)

RAJ 4120 (2009), RAJ 4083 (2007), RAJ 6560 (2005)

RAJ 4037 (2004), RAJ 3777 (2003), RAJ 3765 (1994)

RAJ 3077 (1987), RAJ 1482 (1979)

Groungnut (4)

HNG-123 (2011), HNG-69 (2010),

Mallika (ICHG 00440) (2009), HNG-10 (1998)


Recently released varieties:


Gram Variety GNG 2461 (Moomal)

Gram Variety GNG 2261 (Keshav)

American Cotton Variety

RS 2827

American Cotton Variety

RS 2818



SEED PRODUCTION: Nucleus and Breeder seed production programme of cotton, wheat, gram, mustard and mungbean is being taken on regular basis as per requirement of state and nation


Extension activities: Agricultural technologies developed through laboratory and field trials are made available to the farmers through scientists and extension agencies. Linkage is maintained with Department of Agriculture Extension, Horticulture, Soil Conservation, Forest, Animal Husbandry, Seed and Soil testing laboratories, KVKs, IFFCO, KRIBHCO, RSSC, etc through inviting them to participate in Zonal Research and Extension Advisory Committee Meeting held twice in a year to discuss research results and programme for Kharif and Rabi season. Results of Frontline demonstrations conducted by scientists and extension personnel and feedback given by farmers are also discussed. Farmers are exposed to research findings through farmer’s participatory research and field day programme. University scientists impart training to officials from Department of Agriculture Extension and Horticulture in monthly workshop as Master trainer. The research and extension scientists and officials of Department of Agriculture do monitoring and diagnostic survey of the zone

Profile of scientist