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Farm Impements & Machinery Testing & Training Center

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Performa for Farm implements testing

Rajasthan Agricultural University was established on 1 August, 1987 by promulgation of an ordinance (#13 of 1987) which was later enacted by an Act (#39 of 1987) of the State Legislature of Rajasthan. Over the period of time, the jurisdiction and focus of the university has undergone evolutionary changes, including the name prefixing (Act # 04/2/ /2/2009) with Swami Keshwanand, who pioneered rural development through agriculture and education. Presently, the university caters to the agricultural education, research and extension needs of seven districts of Rajasthan viz., Bikaner, Churu, Hanumangarh, Jaisalmer, Jhunjhunu and Sriganganagar. The University is committed to achieve excellence in the fields of education, research and extension in agriculture. Its multi-faceted activities are carried out through a network of three colleges, two agricultural research stations and one agricultural research sub-station, seven Krishi Vigyan Kendras and an Agricultural Technology Information Centre (ATIC). Besides, a National Seed Project is functioning at Beechwal, with two Mechanized Agricultural Farms at Khara and Rojari. The mandate of the university is to –


  • Impart education in Agriculture, Home Science (at Graduate, Master’s and Doctoral level) and agribusiness management (at Master’s and Doctoral level)
  • Carry out need based research
  • Propagate agro-technology to the end users especially farmers
  • Develop and offer need based degree/diploma/certificate courses through on-site and/or distance/online mode
  • Conduct training programmes relevance to the need
  • Offer consultancy related to agriculture and its allied fields
  • Provide placement services to cater the manpower requirement of various government, autonomous, private agencies etc.
  • Provide communication and information technology and management services

Farm Implements & Machinery Testing and Training Centre

To increase efficiency in utilization of natural resources including energy and reduce human drudgery, farm implements have been invented to enhance on-farm productivity. Taking cue, a number of manufacturers are involved in the fabrication of agricultural implements in the region However, their competence in the market can be assessed and appraised of only through precise, methodical and technical testing and evaluation for prototype development for mass scale production and utilization. Further, certification of the same for validation and authentication is also a must for commercialization. With this in view, under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana a Farm Implements and Machinery Testing and Training Centre was sanctioned to the university in 2011. The establishment of this centre at Bikaner is to improve the quality of manufacturing as per the standards of Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). Considering this, SKRAU established a Testing Centre (with initial expenditure of ` 62.00 lakhs) at Central Workshop to:

  • Check material specifications, durability and reliability of the farm equipments
  • Assess the functional performance such as quality, output and energy/power requirement of the farm equipments
  • Maintain the quality of farm machinery being subsidized by the Government.
  • Suggest modifications and improvements on the basis of test results for better performance, ease in handling and adjustment and on the basis of feedback from farmers
  • Provide guidelines to engineers and extension workers for guiding farmers and other Purchasers in the proper selection of equipments
  • Impart training on different types of farm equipments to farmers, small scale manufacturers and extension workers.
  • Help farmers in determining the comparative performance of farm machinery available in the market

Central Workshop

The Central Workshop of the university located at Bikaner deals with maintenance of vehicles, implements, electrical and electronics items and fabrication of furniture. The workshop building is having facilities like automobiles shop, carpentry shop, machinery shop, electrical shop, closed shed, open shed, service station and spacious building for staff.

The centre got accredited by the Division of Agriculture & Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India, New Delhi on July 14, 2012 vide Addendum No. 8-1/2004-MY(I&P) dated July 09, 2012

Field Trial

For conducting field trials of farm implements and machinery five ha of land was earmarked by the University. Further, sufficient land is also available at Agricultural Research Station and Central Farm of the university at Bikaner. Testing is also being carried out at farmer’s fields.

Testing Fees (Till March 31, 2016)


Since its inception in 2012, more than 600 applicants of various categories from different states have applied for testing of implements.

Land Development Equipments Intercultural Equipments
Tillage Equipment Harvesting Equipments
Sowing Equipments Gardening Tools

Commercial Test Reports Released

The Centre has contributed a major share in the university revenue.

Year 2012-13 73
Year 2013-14 85
Year 2014-15 56


The Centre has contributed a major share in the university revenue.

2012-13 54.00 Lakhs
2013-14 51.00 Lakhs
2014-15 35.00 Lakhs
Total 140.00 Lakhs


On Campus

On Campus at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bikaner-
Title: “Vibhinn Krishi Machinery evam Tractor ka Rakh-Rakhav,
Chayan evam Parichay”
· Farmers participated – 99

Off Campus- (With the active collaboration of NRFMTTI,

Title: “Krishi Machinery me Urja Sanrakshan evam Suraksha”
· Field Days for two days at Gadhwala village– 114 Farmers
Field Days for two days at Bhamatsar village– 162 Farmers

Staff training

(Title: “Testing & Evaluation of Farm Machinery”)
3 Days’ Training– 06 employees

Students training: One month summer training for
Engineering students:

  • June, 2013 –MPUAT, Udaipur : 04
    Mahatma Jyoti Rao Phule University, Jaipur : 04
    Aligarh College of Engineering & Technology, Aligarh : 01
    Engineering College, Bikaner : 01
  • June 2014 –MPUAT, Udaipur : 06
    NIMS, Jaipur : 01
  • June 2015 –MPUAT, Udaipur : 10


Sub Mission on Agricultural Mechanization

The Centre also received a grant of Rs. 125.60 lakhs in 2014. Under this project the centre is to be strengthened for various facilities so as to enhance the testing and training activities.


Agriculture Engineer

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