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Directorate: Prioritization, Monitoring and Evaluation

Priority setting, Monitoring and Evaluation (PME) efforts are critical issues in management of agricultural research and development. Proper logistic support for the management, maintenance and monitoring of university’s projects would help in effective, timely and successful implementation and completion of the mission and in turn would reflect in the growth of the institute. The Directorate of Prioritization, Monitoring and Evaluation in the university was established in the year 1992, with the objective to plan and monitor education, research, extension activities, human resource and finance etc. DPME is responsible to explore and establish the priorities, monitor ongoing activities and evaluate the complete activities of the university. At the university level, Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) has been created with Director PM&E as its Coordinator. The office of DPM&E has also been entrusted with the responsibility of Impact Assessment of the technologies developed in the university. The directorate is responsible for coordinating all the units of the university in terms of seeking information, compilation and preparation of various types of university documents for furnishing to ICAR and its institutes, GoR, the Governor House (GoR), various agricultural universities across the state and to all academic and concerned units at national level. It also furnishes information pertaining to the Central and State Govt. along with other agencies and organizations.

Objectives of DPME

  To identify, develop and suggest methods /strategies for improving institutional effectiveness through holding IQAC meetings.

  To analyze and assess the priorities and thrust areas in Teaching, Research and Extension of the University through IQAC.

  Documentation of University achievements including Research/ Extension/ Teaching Reports viz: Vision document, Annual Reports, Newsletters, etc. of the university.

  Preparation of Self Study Report of the university and getting the University accredited by ICAR, UGC etc.

  DPME is responsible for the Ranking of university at National level.

  To carry out Impact assessment of the technologies developed by university.

Profile of scientist

Director (PM & E)

Office E-mail Address :
Office Phone No. : 2250562