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Innovations and Entrepreneurship

The Innovations and Entrepreneurship are the domains India must focus to achieve the developed nation status by 2047. We need to grow at a faster pace than we ever had since independence.

Innovations and Entrepreneurship disrupts the traditional systems, processes and constraints that help in breaking the ceiling and open new arena of opportunities and possibilities. We have the largest consumer market in the world. We must also transform ourselves to be the largest producer of innovations and entrepreneurship.

Agriculture is a primary sector for Indian economy, and it should be addressed first because of majority of working population in India is directly and indirectly depend for livelihood on agriculture sector. The improvements in agriculture lead to improvement in other sectors as well. Therefore, if we promote innovations and entrepreneurship in agriculture; we will see multi-faceted and multi-dimensional growth.

SKRAU as a premier institution in agriculture education proudly take the initiative to promote the innovations and entrepreneurship in the agriculture sector. We believe that our role is not just to create skilled candidates for the jobs but to create the candidates who create job opportunities in the agriculture sector and create the innovations to improve the productivity through efficiency and effectiveness in the agriculture sector.

To drive the initiative in the right direction with right energy and right dedication, SKRAU devises the model H.A.R.V.E.S.T. that converges entrepreneurship, innovations and technologies and creates a synergistic trilogy. H.A.R.V.E.S.T. stands for:

Hands-on training
Accelerator programs
Research funding
Venture creation
Education partnerships
Skills development
Technology adoption

The HARVEST model has been a game changer since SKRAU started rolling out resources to bring in entrepreneurship and innovations in agriculture sector. As a result, we achieved a series of milestones. Some of the notable mentions in various categories are as follows:


Entrepreneurship is a dynamic and unique field where classroom and lab-based teachings are not enough. There has to be a real-life hands-on experience. Henceforth, SKRAU created Maru Shakti, an enterprise level entity to promote the food products of its own. Maru Shakti is brand name for food items produced by College of Community Science, SKRAU Bikaner. Maru Shakti was primarily funded by RKVY Project finance. Since the start of Maru Shakti, we have been successful in launching hundreds of eatable products that are in demand by our loyal consumer base, and it is keep growing. Maru Shakti is not just a business venture but an educational tool that prepares students for the challenges of the entrepreneurial world by providing them with the necessary skills, mindset, and experience to succeed in their future careers.

Startup Ecosystem

SKRAU also dedicates the resources, talent and mindshare to foster the startup culture among the students. We have dedicated a Entrepreneurship Cell where students can learn from the faculty members, industry experts, business owners about how they can create business ideas, Minimal Viable Product (MVP), gather the finances, understand the business systems to create next shining startups.

We are always in search for networking opportunities with government (State as well as central government), national and international tie-ups with other institutions and domain experts, industry associations, financial institutions, incubators, etc. to build resources at scale so that we can expand HARVEST model to create more and more innovations and entrepreneurs in agriculture sector.

Recently, we received the proud hosting of ‘Agriculture Accelerator Centre’ offered by DoIT&C at our university. It is promoted by Rajasthan state government which will add more feathers and capabilities to foster HARVEST model. In this hosting, we will be inducting students for training, workshops, simulations, and adopting technologies to launch, build and grow the innovations and entrepreneurship.


SKRAU secures ___ patents in advance technologies. We secured the patents from Germany, Republic of South Africa, and…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Additional Information:


Name of the Student/Faculty




Dr. Amita Sharma, Asst. Prof., IABM, SKRAU, Bikaner


We build agriculture knowledge platform in Hindi language and video formats for two most popular crops of agri climatic zone IC — Cluster Bean and Gram. We created videos in Hindi to cover the entire process starting from seed selection and soil preparation to crop management till harvesting. This project was funded by RKVY.

Links for the You Tube channel and mobile app of the project are as follows:

YouTube (2.65 K subscribers): MobileApp (1K+ downloads) :




Mr. Akash Kurapa, MBA Student, IABM


Created an innovative solution to tackle the problem of storage. Agri-warehouses with the market for buying and selling Agri-commodities has been developed. Augmented reality (AR) used to show 3D warehouse models, real-time storage data and rates, and AI-based technology to assist warehouse owners and producers in maintaining digital records and predicting commodity prices. As a result, users are able to access information about warehouse space, storage rates, and facilities in Agri-warehouses, as well as buy and sell agricultural commodities through the Market Place.


Ms. Nishi Raj, MBA Student, IABM

Chai Setu

Chai Setu is mainly a tea beverage and fast food joint with an aim to enhance the tea drinking experience through our specially formulated tea premix product.