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Year of establishment:2004
Land area in ha. :20.0 ha
Name of Senior Scientist &
Dr. Bhupender Singh
Postal Address with
telephone No. :
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, At/Post-Padampur, Jaitsar Road,
District Sri Ganganagar (Rajasthan),
Telephone No. 01505-232929

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Sri Ganganagar is an agricultural extension based institute established in April, 1 st 2004 at Padampur tehsil of Sri Ganganagar district which is 35 Km from district head quarter on Padampur to Jaitsar road by the ICAR under the jurisdiction of Swami Keshwanand Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner. The activities of this Kendra are being planned and executed under the technical and administrative support of Directorate of Extension Education, Swami Keshwanand Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner. The operational area of this Krishi Vigyan Kendra is of 9 tehsils of Sri Ganganagar district. The aim of KVK is to have sustainable growth in per unit production and income of agriculture and allied sectors which can be acquire by reduce the time lag between generation of technology at the research institutions and it's transfer to the farmer’s field. Krishi Vigyan Kendra has multidisciplinary team of scientists who work enthusiastically in missionary spirit for under taking vocational training for farmers, farm women, rural youths and extension functionaries to update them with recent and proven agricultural research.

KVK System: Mandate and Activities-
The mandate of KVK is Technology Assessment and Demonstration for its Application and Capacity Development. To implement the mandate effectively, the following activities are envisaged.

  • On-farm testing to assess the location specificity of agricultural technologies under various farming systems.
  • Frontline demonstrations to establish production potential of technologies on the farmers’ fields.
  • Capacity development of farmers and extension personnel to update their knowledge and skills on modern agricultural technologies.
  • To work as Knowledge and Resource Centre of agricultural technologies for supporting initiatives of public, private and voluntary sector in improving the agricultural economy of the district.
  • Provide farm advisories using ICT and other media means on varied subjects of interest to farmers

In addition, KVKs produce quality technological products (seed, planting material, bio- agents, and livestock) and make it available to farmers, organize frontline extension activities, identify and document selected farm innovations and converge with ongoing schemes and programs within the mandate of KVK.

Operational Area of Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Sri Ganganagar

Sr. No.Name of Block/TehsilNumber of Gram PanchayatsNumber of Villages
1Anupgarh 29 399
2Ganganagar 48 288
3Gharsana 35 461
4Karanpur 35 239
5Padampur 36 249
6Raisinghnagar 47 408
7Sadulshahar 31 238
8Suratgarh 46 500
9Vijaynagar 29 279
Total 336 3061

Land Utilization and cropping Pattern in the district
Out of the total geographical area of the district of 1093.3 thousand hectares, 911.6 thousand hectares under the cultivation. 60.5 thousand hectares under the forest cover. Current fallow lands 83.5 thousand hectares, 103.4 thousand hectares under the other fallow land. 68.6 thousand hectares under land non-agricultural uses, 0.1 thousand hectares under the permanent pastures. 46.1 thousand hectares cultivable waste land, 4.1 Land thousand hectares under Misc. tree crops and groves, 2.4 thousand hectares under barren and uncultivable land. If we are talking about the Agricultural Land use pattern net sown area 724.7 thousand hectare, 329.3 thousand hectare are sown more than once with 1054.0 thousand hectare gross cropped area with 145.4 % cropping intensity.

1. Major farming systems/enterprises:

S. No Farming system/enterprise
1Agriculture +Horticulture
2Agriculture +Animal Husbandry
3Agriculture +Horticulture+ Animal Husbandry

2. Area, Production and Productivity of major crops cultivated in the district

Kharif 2018-19

S No.CropArea (ha)Production (T.)Productivity (kg./ha)

1283164813163.75 (in Bales)
2Bajra 90301455

Rabi 2018-19

S No.Crop Area (ha) Production (T.) Productivity (kg /ha)
1Wheat 262110 1059309 4041
2Rapeseed &

198714 344348 1733
3Gram98512 98909 1004
4Barley 50000 205000 41.00
5Taramira 639 511 8.00
6Fodder 21658 --- ---

3.  Horticultural Crops Profile of District:

Fruits Profile
Horticulture crops - Fruits Total area (‘000 ha)
Kinnow 10.7
Malta & Mosambi 1.4
Pomegranate 0.6
Ber 0.5
Lime 0.4
Others (specify) 0.39
Vegetables Profile
Horticultural crops - Vegetables Total area (‘000 ha)
Cucurbits 5.5
Cole crops 1.4
Tomato 1.1
Potato 0.8
Onion 0.7
Others (Brinjal, spinach 4.2

4.  Animal Husbandry Profile of District:

Female (‘000)Total
(‘000 MT)
Indigenous cattle 84 380 464 242
Crossbred cattle 25 148 173 128
Buffalo 31 240 271 149
Goat268.8 30
2PoultryNo. of
Total No. of birds
At Farm-13550
At Backyard-44152

A. Production and productivity of livestock, Poultry, Fisheries etc. in the district*

Category Population Productivity
Crossbred/Exotic 172768 7.75 kg/day/animal
Indigenous 463652 3.68 kg/day/animal
Total Cattle 636420
Buffalo 270992 5.76 kg/day/animal
Sheep 273476
Goats 384446
Pigs 1781
Rabbits 2080
At Farm 13550
At Backyard 44152
Total Poultry 57702
CategoryProductivity per hectare
Fish (Reservoir)984 MT**56 kg. for large reservoir, 176 kg
for small and medium reservoir,
286 kg for large tanks, 1125 kg for
medium tanks and ponds, 1675 kg
for small tanks and ponds and 2050
kg for ponds of water logged areas.

*State Agriculture Plan (SAP) and State Agriculture Infrastructure Development Plan (SAIDP) under RKVY-RAFTAAR, 14 th Financial Commission (2017-18 to 2019-20) (Rajasthan State)
**Department of fisheries, Government of Rajasthan.

Weather data (2019-20)

MonthsTemperature C Relative Humidity % Rainfal l mmPan Eva. mmSunshine hourswind speedSoil Temp. C
Max.Min.08:30 hrs17:30 hrs
January 2019 19.197.59 88.29 56.77 2.20 1.15 4.79 2.23 16.45
February 2019 21.91 8.86 88.46 55.32 18.90 1.48 6.03 3.93 20.25
March 2019 27.50 14.26 74.61 41.55 10.80 2.88 7.39 3.87 28.30
April 2019 36.84 22.14 59.50 31.33 26.90 5.48 8.56 4.20 37.94
May 2019 40.65 28.47 49.29 26.26 46.80 7.04 9.85 5.39 40.69
June 2019 43.95 27.87 53.60 30.93 35.80 8.53 9.49 5.11 43.27
July 2019 39.20 30.50 68.68 53.58 44.70 6.31 7.52 6.23 40.45
August 2019 38.20 28.07 76.42 59.48 38.10 5.04 6.51 4.23 38.88
September 2019 38.42 26.90 80.27 56.60 31.20 4.48 7.51 5.10 38.29
October 2019 34.66 19.96 77.13 48.55 0.00 1.96 7.51 1.10 31.71
November 2019
26.14 14.22 85.80 62.67 15.30 1.67 5.29 2.63 23.86
December 2019 16.59 6.85 89.94 74.94 17.70 0.97 3.811.84 15.40

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Sri Ganganagar- Extension Activities Last 10 Years:

OFTs Conducted

Technology assessment and refinement by the KVK during 2011-12 to 2019-20

Technology assessment and refinement No. of technologies assessed and refined Total
2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
Assessment under crops 0 0 1 10 1 10 1 10 6 70 2 25 1 15 5 46 5 42 22 228
Refinement under crops
Assessment under livestock 2 40 2 40 4 80
Refinement under livestock
Total 0 0 1 10 1 10 1 10 6 70 2 25 1 15 7 86 7 82 26 308

FLDs Conducted

Detail of state-wise Frontline Demonstrations (FLDs) conducted by the KVK during 2011-12 to 2019-20

Cereals & Millets Pulse crops Oilseed crops Horticultural crops Other crops* Livestoc k Other FLDs# Total FLDs
No. Area (ha) No. Area (ha) No. Area (ha) No. Area (ha) No. Area (ha) No. Area (ha) No. Area (ha) No. Area (ha)
2012-13 20 10 40 20 40 20 100 50
2013-14 20 10 40 20 60 30
2014-15 32 16 30 12 40 20 102 48
2015-16 84 40.8 30 12 40 20 154 72.8
2016-17 40 20 45 20 75 30 160 70
2017-18 75 30 75 30 150 60
2018-19 119 50 57 30 20 5 25 221 85
2019-20 50 20 125 70 250 80 20 10 25 220 180


Capacity Development

Table: Capacity development programmes organised by KVK

Year No. of courses No. of participants
Male Female Total
2011-12 139 3157 369 3526
2012-13 80 1225 375 1600
2013-14 95 1461 588 2049
2014-15 77 1220 370 1590
2015-16 78 1405 452 1857
2016-17 67 1078 423 1501
2017-18 54 864 355 1219
2018-19 34 734 79 813
2019-20 41 721 203 924

Table: Vocational capacity development programmes organised by KVK

Year No. of courses No. of participants
Male Female Total
2011-12 611920 124
2012-13 5108 0108
2013-14 9 17824202
2014-15 6 88 290
2015-16 ----
2016-17 49717114
2017-18 478987
2018-19 239 0 39
2019-20 3573 60

Other extension activities

Table: Extension activities organised by KVK during 2011-12 to 2019-20:

Year No. of extension activity organized
No. of farmers participated No. of Extension Personnel participated Total number of participants
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
2011-12 3381 15143 2448 17510 66 15 81 3318 15143 2448
2012-13 2777 26513 5346 31714 28 90 118 2777 26513 5346
2013-14 1333 12205 4444 16613 26 0 26 1333 12205 4444
2014-15 1734 8358 2138 10496 65 6 71 1734 8358 2138
2015-16 1786 11436 495 11931 1231 42 1273 1786 11436 495
2016-17 1143 11830 949 12779 578 25 603 1143 11830 949
2017-18 575 9270 33 9303 26 4 30 575 9270 33
2018-19 271 1904 85 1989 51 1 52 271 1904 85
2019-20 184 1499 50 1549 70 4 74 1569 54 1623

Quality seed production and planting material produced and distributed by the KVKs

Table: Quality Seed and Planting material produced by KVK

Year Seed Produced (q)
2011-12 189.85

2014-15 432
2019-20 302


Programme Co-ordinator

Krishi Vigyan
Mail-id :
Tel : 0154-2440532