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ARS Bikaner

Brief Introduction:

Agricultural Research Station, Bikaner was established in 1997 to cater research and extension needs of Agro-climatic zone Ic (Hyper arid partially irrigated western plain) of Rajasthan. Zone occupies an area 7.71 mha geographical area spread over Bikaner, Jaisalmer district and Sardarsahar, Ratangarh and Sujangarh tehsil of Churu district.
Agricultural Research Station, Bikaner is situated in the state of Rajasthan and located on National highway No. 15 leading towards Sriganganagar about  9 km away from Bikaner city. It is situated at 28010’ N latitude, 73018’ E longitude and 223.88 meter above mean sea level. It is just 3 km away from the University head quarter.

About the Zone:

The average rainfalls vary from 141 mm in Jaisalmer to 325 mm in Churu. The mean daily maximum temperature goes up to 420 C during summer and 240 C during winters. Similarly, mean daily minimum temperature during summers come down to 270 C and to freezing point during winters. The area is characterized by stormy southwest winds with frequent dust storms. 70 per cent cultivated area is rainfed. Crop production in this part gambles with monsoon. Soils of the zone are sandy in texture, very low in fertility with respect to all most all nutrients. Soils are aeolian in nature with very high permeability at surface and low in nutrient and water retention capacity. Considerable area under the zone has hard pan at varying depths. Some soils of the zone are gypsiferous also.
The major kharif crops of the zone are pearl millet, moth bean, cluster bean & sesame under rainfed condition and ground nut under irrigated conditions. In rabi chickpea, mustard, wheat are the major crops


Agricultural Research Station, Bikaner has the mandate to develop and identify high yielding varieties, sustainable production and protection technologies for improving the productivity of the crops through research on below mentioned lead and verification functions.

Lead Functions

Soil salinity, forage crops research, farming system research, weed management, agro forestry, moth bean, date palm, Biotechnological approach for improvement of arid crops, resource management (water & soil management, germ plasma reporting), agro meteorology, insect pest, disease surveillance.

Verification Function

Pearl millet, cluster bean, ground nuts, mustard and medicinal plants.

Infrastructure and Facilities

Station is having well furnished buildings with different laboratories -Salinity, STCR, PFDC, Forage, Date palm and Plant protection lab. These laboratories are equipped with modern equipments. Conference hall and scientists rooms well connected with intercom and internet facility are also exists.
Station is also having 94.25 ha well developed farm.  About 50 ha. area is canal irrigated. Station is having 10 ha farm area under orchards of ber, anola, lime, pomegranate, kinnow, mousambi & malta. All the modernized farm machinery is available to perform different farm works. Twenty nine residential quarters are available at the residential campus just in front of the station.


To address mandated, lead and verification functions following projects/scheme are in operation at the station:

ICAR Projects

  • AICRP on Pearl millet
  • AICRP on Forage Crops
  • AICRP on Arid Zone Fruits (Date palm)
  • AICRP on Arid Legumes
  • AICRP on Soil Test Crops Response
  • AICRP on Management of Salt Affected Soils and Use of Saline water in Agriculture
  • AICRP on Ground Nut


Other Funding Agency

  • Agromet Advisory committee
  • Precision Farming Development Centre

State Government

  • Centre for Forage Management (Non Plan)

RKVY Projects

  • Enhancing solid quality and productivity through agro-industrial organic waste in arid region of Rajasthan
  • Genetic enhancement of pearl millet for productivity improvement and nutrition security in hot-arid regions of Rajasthan

Priorities & Thrusts

  1. Germ plasma collection, characterization, evaluation, conservation & utilization of moth bean, pear millet, forage grasses and date palm.
  2. Breeding to develop improved varieties of moth bean, pearl millet and forage grasses for higher yield and biotic and abiotic stress.
  3. Development of integrated nutrient management & integrated pest and disease management module of major crop and cropping system.
  4. Research in precision farming specially water saving technique of major field & horticultural crops.
  5. Exploring possibility of protected cultivation.
  6. Development of new improved package of practices for enhancing productivity of major crops of the zone.
  7. Developing weed control technologies to control weeds in major crops and cropping system of the area.

Research Achievements


  1. Pearl Millet Hybrid Notified For the State of Rajasthan, 2018: MH 1831 (BHB1202)


MH 1831 (BHB1202)

Entry Parentage Status
MH 1831
ICMA 843-22 x BIB-22 It was notified vide letter no. S.O_1379 (E) _2018 dated 27 March, 2018.
It was released in the 32nd meeting of the State Seed Sub-committee for crops on 17.04.2017 at Pant Krishi Bhawan, GOR, Jaipur .

Salient features of Hybrid: BHB 1202 (MH 1831)

PedigreeICMA 843-22 x BIB-22
Notification details S. O. 1379 (E) 27.03.2018
Developed at ICAR-AICRP on Pearl Millet, Bikaner
Days to flowering 45
Days of maturity 76
Yield (Kg/ha) 1776
Plant height (cm) 160
No. of Productive tillers (per plant) 1.9
Spike length (cm)

1000 seed wt. (g) 9.84
Area of Adaptability
Arid zone of Rajasthan
Special featuresEarly maturing, medium height, yellow brown anther colour, compact lanceolate ear heads, grey brown seeds.
Reaction to Pests & DiseasesResistant to downy mildew

2. Pearl Millet Hybrid Notified at National level, 2019-2020: MH 2192 (BHB1602)

Field View of Pearl Millet Hybrid MH 2192 (BHB-1602)


Pedigree ICMA 16810 x BIB-16810
Notification details S. O. 3099 , 7.10.2020
Developed at ICAR-AICRP on Pearl Millet, Bikaner
Days to flowering 45
Days of maturity 76
Yield (Kg/ha) 2529
Plant height (cm) 177
No. of Productive tillers (per plant) 2.6
Spike length (cm) 20
Spike thickness (cm) 2.6
1000 seed wt. (g) 8.9
Area of Adaptability Arid zone of Rajasthan, Gujarat and Haryana (ZoneA1)
States Rajasthan, Gujarat and Haryana
Special featuresEarly maturing, medium height, yellow brown anther compact lanceolate ear heads with globular shape and grey brown seeds.
Reaction to Pests & DiseasesResistant to downy mildew

3. Pearl Millet hybrid in pipe line: BHB 1803 (MH 2381) (ICMA 88004 x BIB-343). The proposal of this hybrid is to be submitted for its release for the state of Rajasthan during 2020-21.

4. Improving pearl millet germination

Compaction behind the furrow with 4.5 kg rubber wheel in pearl millet for 100% germination

5. Improving pearl millet production under low rain fall conditions

6. Increasing pearl millet production


Effect of foliar application Iron on grain and stover yield of pearl millet


It was concluded that foliar application of iron at tillering stage in pearl millet increased the grain and stover yield during kharif 2015-2017. Data reveals that the maximum grain yield was recorded under variety HHB-226 followed by RHB-177 which was significantly superior over the hybrid HHB- 234.
As regard to the foliar application of iron at the rate of 0.50% FeSo4 + 0.1% citric acid as foliar application at 25-30 DAS gave significantly higher grain yield over the control and  0.25% FeSo4+ 0.1% citric acid plots but it was at par with treatment FeSo4   @ 0.75% + 0.1% citric acid at 25-30 DAS . Whereas, straw yield was maximum under the treatment foliar application of FeSo4   @ 0.75% at 25-30 DAS.

7.Increasing pearl millet production under late sown conditions


An experiment was conducted on maximization in the pearl millet productivity under late sown situation at ARS, Bikaner during kharif 2017. Data shows that significantly higher yield of pearl millet was recorded under the sowing date of July 25+5 as compare to the sowing of pearl millet at August 10+ 5 .similar tread was also observed in stover yield
As regards to the nutrient management treatment, maximum grain and stover yield was recorded under the treatment RDF + 5 t FYM + 0.5% foliar spray of NPK (19:19:19)  at 20-25 days after sowing and which was closely followed by the treatment 125 RDF in case of grain yield, whereas ,in case of stover yield it was closely followed by treatment 75% RDF + 5 t FYM ha-1 under late sowing condition.
on the basis 3 year experimentations  mean maximum grain and stover yield was recorded under the treatment RDF + 5 t FYM + 0.5% foliar spray of NPK (19:19:19)  at 20-25 days after sowing and it was closely followed by treatment 75% RDF + 5 t FYM ha-1 under late sowing condition.

8. Increasing pearl millet production at farmers fields


Control of termite in pearl millet filed:


10. Pearl millet experimentation for the welfare of farming community

11. Other recommendations from the project:
  • Nutritional requirement in inter cropping system: Application of 40 kg N+ 20 kg P2Oha in pearl millet intercropped with cluster bean gae significantly higher gross  monetary returns
  • Permanent manorial trial on pearl mille: Application of 5.0 t FYM along with 40 kg
  • N/ha produced significantly higher grain and fodder yield as compared to FYM or N alone and their combinations
  • Pearl millet based cropping system: Maximum gross returns was recorded when mixed crop was sown with 75% seed of Pearl millet + 25 % seed of cluster bean + 25% seed of moth bean with application of 40 kg N/ha to the crop.
  • 5.0 tones FYM spreading over planted rows of pearl millet gave significantly higher yield and net return of pearl millet
  • Application of 10 kg ZnSo4/ha significantly increase the grain and stover yield of pearl millet and also gave higher economic returns
  • Foliar spray 0.2% ZnSo4 +0.1% lime solutions at tillering stage significantly increase the grain and stover yield of pearl millet and also gave higher economic returns.
  • Clusterbean- Pearl millet crop sequence has been found better than pearl millet- pearl millet crop sequence and gave more pearl millet equivalent yield and profit.
  • Remaining root and stem parts of the crops, if mixed in the soil after harvesting, gave more yields and benefit from the next crop and improve soil health.
  • Sowing of pearl millet at 60 cm row spacing with ridge and furrow after intercultural operations (30 days after sowing) gave significantly higher grain yield, net return and B:C ratio.
  • In comparison to sole pearl millet, sowing of 75% of pearl millet + 25% of guar +25% of moth seeds in mixture with 40 kg N gave more pearl millet equivalent yield and profit.
  • Sowing of pearl millet at 60 cm row spacing with ridge and furrow after intercultural operations (30 DAS) gave significantly higher yield, net return and B: C ratio.
  • 20 kg/ha. Zinc sulphate as a soil application gave significantly higher grain &straw yield of pearl millet as well as net return and B: C ratio as compared to control plot.
  • In standing crop foliar spray of 0.2% Zinc sulphate at tillering stage gave significantly higher grain &straw yield of pearl millet as well as net return and B: C ratio
  • Moth bean sown on the residue of 10ton compost/ha. +50% RDF applied in previous barley crop gave highest moth bean equivalent yield and net returns under barley –moth bean crop sequence.
  • This is to be recommended that growing of pearl millet hybrids in zone 1c gave higher grain yield, net return and B: C ratio as compared to composite varieties on mean basis. This is also recommended that growing of pearl millet under optimum management condition gave higher grain and stover yield, net return and B: C ratio. as compared to low management conditions.
  • The highest barley seed yield and barley equivalent yield was observed under the treatment compost 10 ton/ha. + 50% RDF. Similarly the gross and net return was also highest in the same treatment. Whereas, the B: C ratio was highest in the treatment 100% RDF, which is due to the fact that higher cost of organic manure was involved in that treatment.
  • It was recommended that application of 5ton FYM/ha in pearl millet did not cause any significant effect on mustard yield. Whereas, application of RDF+20 Kg K2O +200 Kg Gypsum +10Kg ZnSO4 /ha in mustard gave significantly higher seed yield, net return and B: C ratio over the control plot, but it was at par with RDF+20 kg K2O/ha. This treatment also gave higher seed yield and net return among all the treatments.
  • Application of RDF + 20 Kg K2O/ha in previous mustard crop along with recommended dose of fertilizer (40:40:0) in pear millet proved economical viable treatment and gave higher yield of mustard and pearl millet crops. This treatment gave higher net return in bajra-mustard crop sequence.
  • It was recommended that variety GHB-538 is proved most drought resistant as compared to GHB-558 and gave higher yield and net return. Similarly, sowing of pearl millet at 60 cm prove better under different row arrangement and gave higher yield and net return as compared to other row spacing.
  • It was recommended that growing of pearl millet with 60 kg N/ha gave highest grain and Stover yield, net return and B: C ratio as compared to control plot and 40 kg N /ha
  • It is recommended that sowing of pearl millet in II week of July ie.15 July is the best sowing time and gave better economic return
  • Growing of hybrids gave more yield and higher net-return & B: C ratio as   Compared to the population. Although, population gave higher fodder yield as Compared to Hybrids

    AICRP on Groundnut

Significant Achievements

  1. For management of weeds in groundnut crop, 600 ml. imazithapyr + pendimethaline (2 + 30% pre mix company made) should be applied as pre emergence (moist soil and bright sunshine are primary condition for its effectivity) with 125 lit. of water/Bigha.

  2. As a low cost technology seed treatments with TrichodermaFluorescent pseudomonads’s both strains followed by the strains of DAPG bring beneficial effect in terms of net return and B:C ratio.

  3. Application of DGRC-1 and DGRC-2 may be recommended for the farmers of the zone, being a low cost technology.

  4. Deep summer ploughing with mould board plough + Soil application of Trichoderma @ 4 kg/ ha enriched in 250 kg FYM/ha + Seed treatment with Tebuconazole 2DS@ 1.5 g/ kg of seed followed by Seed treatment with PGPR @625g/ ha of seed + Soil application of Trichoderma @ 4 kg/ ha enriched in 250 kg FYM/ha at 35 and 80 DAS for effective control of collar rot incidence in groundnut.

  5. Sowing of Groundnut at a depth of 5-7 cm reduces the incidence of diseases and increases the yield

  6. Herbicides applied in green gram crop have no residual effect on succeeding mustard crop even upto 70g/ha. Imazethapyr as post-emergence

  7. Developed a sick plot of collar rot (Aspergllus niger) in groundnut and screening about every year 50-200 genotype/ lines of groundnut.


Crossing programme has been taken for the development of new varieties suitable for the zone.


Soil applications of Trichoderma                           Validation of storage bags against peanut storage pests and                                                                                           aflatoxin contamination

Validation of storage bags against peanut storage pests and aflatoxin contamination

Recent Recommendation

1. Estimation of yield losses in groundnut due to collar rot (Aspergillus niger):

Recommending Centre

Recommended For

Recommendation made for

Existing practices

SKRAU, Bikaner

Hyper arid partially irrigated western plain zone of Rajasthan (I-C)

Seed treatment with Tebuconazole 2DS @ 1.5 g/ kg of seed of groundnut for reduce collar rot disease and higher pod and straw yield.

Farmers sowing seeds of groundnut without any fungicides/bioagents treatment for managing the collar rot.

2. Validation of storage bags against peanut storage pests and aflatoxin contamination. (Storage experiment)

Recommending Centre

Recommended For

Recommendation made for

Existing practices

SKRAU, Bikaner

Hyper arid partially irrigated western plain zone of Rajasthan (I-C)

Groundnut pod storage up to 8 months without losses of aflatoxin contamination and insect infestation with the use of PIC (Purdue Improved Crop Storage) bags.

For groundnut storage in jute bags. That infected with aflatoxin contamination and insect infestation

3. Development of technologies for management of collar rot in groundnut.

Recommending Centre

Recommended For

Recommendation made for

Existing practices

SKRAU, Bikaner

Hyper arid partially irrigated western plain zone of Rajasthan (I-C)

Deep summer ploughing with mould board plough + Soil application of Trichoderma @ 4 kg/ ha enriched in 250 kg FYM/ha + Seed treatment with Tebuconazole 2DS @ 1.5 g/ kg of seeds followed by seed treatment with PGPR @ 625 g for per ha of seeds + Soil application of Trichoderma @ 4 kg/ ha enriched in 250 kg FYM/ha at 35 and 80 DAS

Farmers sowing seeds of groundnut without any fungicides/bioagents treatment for managing the collar rot.


AICRP-Soil Test Crop Response Correlation

STCR technology generated under IPNS system Crops

In site-specific nutrient management approach, fertilizer is applied based on recommendations emerging from STCR system. In the context, AICRP on STCR centre at SKRAU, Bikaner has developed fertilizer prescriptions under integrated plant nutrient supply for definite yield targets of various crops and soil typed of agro-climatic zone Ic of Rajasthan The fertilizer prescriptions can help to reduced imbalance in use of fertilizers and thus improve soil health in different areas in the zone.

Cereals crops Medicinal
Pearlmillet Isabgol
Wheat Linseed
Barley Pulses
Oilseeds Moongbean
Ground nut Gram
Vegetables Fiber crop
Onion Cotton
Radish Bt. Cotton
Tomato Seed spices
Cabbage Cumin
Brinjal Fenugreek
Okra Fennel
Bottle gourd Dillseed

AICRP on Salt Affected Soils & Use of Saline water in Agriculture

Mandate of the Project

  1. Survey and characterization of salt affected soils and ground water quality in major irrigation Commands.

  2. Evaluate the effects of poor quality waters on soils and crop plants.

  3. Develop management practices for utilization of water having high salinity/alkalinity and toxic ions.

  4. Develop and test technology for the conjunctive use of poor quality water in different agro–ecological zones/major irrigation commands.

  5. Screen crop cultivars and tree species appropriate to salinity and alkalinity soil conditions

  6. Develop alternate land use strategies for salt affected soils(Agro-forestry).

AICRP on Forage Crops and Utilization

Raj Bajra-1 (RBB-1)

  1. Released at state level in 2015 for whole Rajasthan.
  2. 500 q/ha green fodder yield.
  3. Crude protein : 9.33 %
  4. Green fodder yield productivity per day: 7.17 q/ha.
  5. Seed yield: Approx. 15 q/ha.
  6. Good resistance to all insect pests and diseases

Bikaneri Dhaman (RCCB-2)

1. Released at state level in 2015 for whole Rajasthan.
2. Approx. 130 q/ha green fodder yield from one cutting.
3. Crude protein : 9.00 %
4. Good resistance to all insect pests and diseases.
5. Perennial in nature and can be established by seed or rooted slips.
6. Six cuttings can be taken in one year with irrigation.


Jaisalmeri Sewan (RLSB-11-50)

1. Released at central level in 2016 for North-West zone of India.
2. Approx. 170 q/ha green fodder yield.
3. Crude protein : 6.59 %
4. Good resistance to all insect pests and diseases.
5. Perennial in nature and can be established by seed or rooted slips.
6. Four cuttings can be taken in one year with irrigation.


Krishna (RRB-07-1)

1. Released at central level in 2016 for North-West zone of India.
2. Approx. 350 q/ha green fodder yield under annual condition in North-West zone of India.
3. Under perennial condition (three years), it gives approx. 1800 q/ha green fodder yield on all India basis.
4. Crude protein : 20.57 %
5. Good resistance to all insect pests and diseases.

Napier – Bajra hybrid

NB Hybrid – Lucerne cropping gave higher green fodder, dry matter yield and net returns compared to growing seasonal fodder crops ,during 3rd year re-sowing of lucerne is required between  the space of NBH for continued fodder production for 3rd year and so on.(2015-16).
Higher green fodder yield, dry matter yield and net return from Napier Bajra Hybrid can be achieved by irrigating the crop  at 1.0 IW/CPE and with application of Straw mulch  @7.5 t/ha

Pearl millet

  • For obtaining higher green fodder yield during kharif season, pearl millet should be grown in combination with guar in 2:2 or 1:1 row proportion or with cowpea in 2:2 row proportion.
  • For sustainable forage production, Pearl millet – Oat – Cowpea should be followed.
  • For getting higher green fodder yield of pearl millet, nitrogen should be applied @ 120 kg/ha in three split doses I.e. 1/3 basal + 1/3 top dresses at 20 day after sowing (DAS) + 1/3 at 35 DAS.   


  • Two sprays of thiourea (0.05 %) at tillering and flowering improve seed production.
  • For higher economic returns, oat crop should be left for seed production after one cut for greed fodder at 75 days after sowing.
  • Fodder crop of oat should be fertilized with 120 kg N/ha in three split doses (1/3 as basal, 1/3 at 35 days after sowing and 1/3 after first cutting.
  • October 10 to November 30 is the optimum period for sowing of fodder oat. Under good management, three cuts can be taken. The first cut should be taken at 75 DAS.


  • For lucerne, October 30 is optimum date of sowing. After first cut at 55-60 DAS, cuttings should be taken at three weeks interval.
  • For getting higher yield for long time with good quality fodder a combination of lucerne @ 20 kg seed ha-1  + oat @30 kg seed ha-1 was found best (2017-18).
  • For management of Cuscuta (Amarbel) and all seasonal weeds in lucerne crop application of pre-emergence pendimethalin at 1.0 kg a.i./ha as sand  mixed  or pre planting  incorporation of Imazethapyr at 75 g/ha in 500 liters of water found effective



Field View of Berseem experiments                                 

Field View of Fodder mustard (Brassica caudatus)

1. Foliar application of thiourea (0.05 %) at flowering improves seed production of Lasiurus sindicus.
2. Nitrogen should be applied @ 20 kg/ha for getting higher seed production of Lasiurus sindicus.
3. Registration of Germplasm: IC number from National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resource, New Delhi were obtained for 35 germplasm accessions of Cenebrus ciliaris pasture grass. These accessions are being maintained. The IC numbers obtained are IC 551555 to 551589.

  1. 350 lines of Lasiurus sindicus are being maintained and evaluated at the centre.
  2. 150 lines of Cenchrus setigerus are being maintained and evaluated at the centre.
  3. 90 lines of Cenchrus ciliaris are being maintained and evaluated at the centre.

    Dhaman grass (Cenchurus ciliaris) experiments

AICRP on Kharif Pulses


RMO-225 (Maru Vardan):
This short duration variety (64-67days) gives 6-7.5 q/ha seed yield and has good resistance against yellow mosaic virus. It was released in 1999 for all moth-growing areas of the country by Central Variety Release Committee
This short duration variety matures in 67-70 days giving 6-8 q/ha yield and also has fodder value. It was released in 2001 for all moth-growing areas of the country by Central Variety Release Committee.
This early maturing variety (65 days) is high yielding for grain as well as fodder purpose. Its flowers are in clusters with small petiole and plants are spreading type. It was identified and released in 2002 in Rajasthan state for all moth-growing areas.
RMO-423: This variety was released and notified in 2002 in Rajasthan state for all moth-growing areas. The variety is suitable for both seed and fodder purpose. It matures in 67-70 days. This is resistant to yellow mosaic virus and insect pests.
RMB 25 (RMo 2004): This variety has been identified in the meeting of State Varietal Evaluation Committee in 2004. It gives higher seed yield (28.6%) as well as fodder yield (15.4%) than RMO-225 and RMO-257, respectively. The variety has field resistance to yellow mosaic virus and also has high protein content.
RMO-2251 (Marudhar):This variety has been released during 2016 for release in Rajasthan. It is a short duration (63-67 days) and has good resistance against sucking pests like jassid and white fly.
  • Fluchloralin @ 1.0 kg/ha as pre-planting incorporation for effective weed control in mothbean.
  • Seed soaking in 500 ppm thiourea with two foliar sprays of thiourea (500ppm) at vegetative and flowering stages was found effective for obtaining higher seed yield of mothbean
  • RMO – 225, RMO – 435, RMO – 423 and RMO-2251 varieties of mothbean have been recommended for cultivation in the zone.
  • In mothbean the control of Jassids, Thrips and whiteflies through dusting of fenvelrate 0.4% was found superior.
  • Maximum yield of mothbean was achieved with three sprays of monocrotophos (0.04 per cent) against losses due to major insect pests.
  • Mustard/groundnut/sesamum oil @ 8 ml per kg proved most effective whereas upper sand layer placement @ 4 cm thickness proved most effective in controlling losses due to bruchids during storage in mothbean.
  • Intercropping of early maturing mothbean varieties with pearl millet in 3:1 ratio is more remunerative
  • Planting of mothbean in western Rajasthan should be done next day of the effective rainfall (30-40 mm) in second fortnight of July month.
  • Moth bean performed significantly better with the row spacing of 30 cm and fertility level 20 kg N and 40 kg P2O5 over row spacing of 45cm and fertility level of 10 kg N and 20 kg P2O
  • For organic production of moth bean, foliar spray of cow urine (10 %) + neem leaf extract (5 %) was most effective in managing YMV of moth bean.
  • For raising organic moth, application of 100 % FYM equivalent to 100 % RDF (20 Kg N/ha) + PP through neem based products/other organic products was found most effective. It was closely followed by application of FYM equivalent to 50 % RDF (10 Kg N/ha) + 50 % of RDF (10 Kg N/ha) through decomposed crop residue/organic waste + bio-fertilizer + PP through neem based products/other organic extracts.
  • Under organic intensive approach for raising moth bean, application of 100 % of RDF (20 Kg N/ha) through  FYM + bio-fertilizer + PP (BCA) + gypsum + green manure/crop residue + cakes + need based chemical through foliage application only gave higher seed yield and economic returns in moth bean .
  • Moth been sown on the residue of 10ton compost/ha. +50% RDF applied in previous barley crop gave highest moth bean equivalent yield and net returns under barley –moth bean crop sequence
  • harzianum + P. fluorescens seed treatment (4 + 4 gm./kg seed) + soil application of T. harzianum + P. fluorescens (1.25 + 1.25 kg) in 50 kg FYM each/ha.) is effective for management of root rot of mothbean.
  • Streptocycline 500 ppm (seed soaking)+ Streptocycline 250 ppm + Copper oxy chloride (0.2%) first spray at disease appearance and second at 15 days interval is effective against management of bacterial leaf blight in cluster bean.
  • Seed treatments with a combination of harzianum + P. fluorescens seed treatment (4+4 g/kg seed) along with soil application of T.  harzianum + P. fluorescens (1.25 +1.25 kg in 50 kg FYM for each/ha) for effective management of root rot and increase grain yield in Clusterbean.
  • Seed treatment of moth bean with fipronil 5 SC @ 4ml/kg seed before sowing is found effective and economical against sucking pests.
  • To protect the cluster bean against sucking pests, treat the seed .with fipronil 5 SC @ 4ml/kg seed before sowing.
  • Seed treatment of moth bean with imidacloprid 600 Fs @ 5ml/kg seed before sowing followed by foliar spray of thiamethoxam 25 WG @ 0.3 g/lit is found effective and economical against sucking pests.



  1. Fluchloralin weedicide should be used @ 0.75 kg/ha (a.i.) for weed control in mungbean crop. The amount should be dissolved in 500 liters of water and the solution should be used as pre planting in corporation in soil. One to two weeding and hoeing operations by wheel hoe (wherever available)   should be done in the crop sown in row after first irrigation
  2. Application of 40 kg sulphur through gypsum was found beneficial in obtaining higher yield and quality of mungbean.

AICRP on Arid Zone Fruits

Date palm Cultivation in Rajasthan

Area, Production and productivity in Rajasthan

  • Date palm area increases day by day in Rajastha

  • In 2024 area of date palm cultivation is 1200 ha

  • Production of date palm fruits is 5000 mt

On the basis of climatic parameters the potential of date palm cultivation in arid zones of Rajasthan can be categorized into following categories



Edaphic climate

Harvesting Stage


Jaisalmer, western part of Barmer, Bikaner, Jodhpur

Extremely dry area with lowest rainfall and highest heat summation units (HSU) (2700-3200)

Doka, Dang or Pind


Jodhpur, Eastern part of Barmer, western part of Nagaur, Churu and Ganganagar

Dry areas with storm type rains

Doka or Dang


Ganganagar, eastern Churu, and western Sikar, Jhunjhunu district

Dry area with rains followed by cloudy weather


Achievements of AICRP on Arid Zone Fruits, Date palm Research Center, SKRAU, Bikaner

  • Date palm cultivar Halawy, Barhee, Khuneizi are recommended for cultivation of fresh fruits, whereas, Medjool and Zahidi are recommended for dry dates (chhuharu) and pind preparation in Rajasthan


Technology for liquid pollination

Spray of pollen suspension @ 3g/litter water was exhibited best result in respect to fruit set, fruit quality and yield in comparison to pollen dust and traditional technique

Technology for protection of fruits from birds damage

The fruits of date palm are protected from birds damage without affecting the quality of fruits by insect proof net covering material followed by non woven materials bag

INM technology for date palm production

100 kg FYM + 1.00 kg N + 0.50 kg P2O5 + 1.00 kg K2O + 0.5% FeSO4 + 0.25% ZnSO4 per tree significantly increased growth parameters, yield attributes, fruit quality components and nutritional value of date palm fruits in Rajasthan

Technologies for quality fruits production

  • Thinning of date palm bunches after fruit set (1/3 rd portion from center) help in early ripening and also improves physio-chemical characteristics of fruits and fruit size.

  • Pre harvest application of ethrel @1000ppm at colour break stage hastens ripening of fruits & also increases size & weight of date fruits

Technologies for quality fruits production

  • Mulching of tree basin from the trunk to canopy area of the tree by black polythene sheet or 10 cm thick layer of locally available Aerva persica help in better soil moisture retention, suppresses weed growth and improves fruit quality.

Fruit bunch and leaves ratio should be 1:6 as it gives maximum fruit quality and yield

Technologies for quality date production

  • Foliar application of micro-nutrient FeS04 (0.5%) + Thiourea (0.1%) gives higher fruit yield, fruit weight and total soluble solids

  • Off shoot of date palm at the time of transplanting must be treated with Carbendazim 0.1% + Chlorpyriphos 0 1% + IBA 1000 ppm with alternate day irrigation up to 30 days. This treatment gives better establishment and survival of date.

Technologies for quality date production

  • For integrated management of fruit rots, Two spray of Carbendazim 0.1% at the interval of 15 days coupled with date leaf cover of bunches was effective to control disease upto 64.66 percent & minimize yield loss (33.23%) as compared to control.

Technologies for Crop protection

  • Two sprays of Copper Oxychloride (0.4%) at the interval of 20 days were found effective in minimizing the Graphiola leaf spot disease by 65.96 percent over untreated check.

  • Two spray of Carbendazim (0.2%) at the interval of 15 days were found effective to control the Alternaria leaf spot disease upto 56.56 percent.

Technologies for Crop protection

  • Spraying of Acetamiprid (0.3 g/l) or Imidacloprid (0.3 ml/l) or Dimethoate (2 ml/l) has been found effective for the control of scale insect.

  • For management of lesser date moth, two spray of decamethrin @3 ml per 10 liter of water starting from fruit setting and repeated 15 days after first spray has been found effective.

  • For control of scale insect (Parlatoria sp) release of predatory beetle Chylochorus nigritis @ 10 beetles per palm is quite effective.

Technologies for Value addition and Processing

For preparation of dry dates (chhuhara) full doka fruits (cv. Medjool) should be washed and dipped in boiling water for 5-10 minutes and dried either in air circulating oven at 48-52 °C for 70-90 hours or through sun drying from 80- 120 hours if the weather is dry.






Survey and characterization of salt affected soils and ground water quality

Water quality maps of Jaipur, Bikaner, Churu, Sri Ganganagar, Sikar, Jaislmar, Nagaur, Jodhpur and Pali  districts have been  prepared and  suggested appropriate measures for better utilization of soils and underground waters of these areas.





Recommendation for Management Practices for use of Poor Quality underground

Water :

  • Irrigation water with salinity upto 6 dS m-1 could be used for cotton cultivation under drip irrigation without any significant reduction in yield.

  • In barley crop irrigation with water up to 8.0 meL-1 RSC can be used safely without any adverse effect on the yield in light textured soil provided that gypsum is added to the soil as per 50% GR.

  • In Cluster bean crop irrigation with water up to 4.0 meL-1 RSC can be used safely without any adverse effect on the yield in light textured soil provided that gypsum is added to the soil as per 50% GR.

  • If two sources (good and saline) water are available then mixing of water is to e done in such a proportion that EC of mixed water does not exceed beyond 3.75 dSm-1 for sustainable production of wheat in light textured soils of the zone.

  • Okra, onion and tomato can be successfully grown with water having EC upto 3.0 dS/m in coarse textured light soil under drip irrigation.

  • For Ber crop the highest yield was obtained at 0.8 PET for both saline and BAW water. Further, no significant difference was observed in yield levels for saline and BAW water, both under mulched and un-mulched conditions. It can be inferred that saline water upto 8.0 dS/m can be successfully used for ber cultivation under drip irrigation without any significant reduction in yield.

  • For sustainable production of pearl millet an wheat with waters having RSC around 10.0 me/l, FYM @10 ton/ha along with gypsum equivalent to 5.0 me/l RSC neutralization of each irrigation with treated water should be added in sandy coarse textured soils under sprinkler irrigation. Gypsum as per GR should also be added before sowing. Further, a periodical monitoring of the GR of soil is necessary while using such type of high RSC water for irrigation

  • Effect of fertility levels on pearl millet -isabgol crop sequence under drip irrigation using saline water: Irrigation water with salinity up to 4 dS/m can be successfully used through drip irrigation in pearl millet – isabgol crop sequence in arid and semi-arid areas. The optimum yield could be achieved through 100 per cent RDF and drip irrigation resulting in low salinity build up in soil thereby help in maintaining the soil health.

  • Application of saline water in conjunction with good quality is better when one or two irrigation of good quality water applied at the initial stages rather than at later stages.

  • For the use of high RSC water in calcareous soils , mixing of pyrite @ 50 % GR in soil twenty days before sowing or two sprays of 1 % FeSO4 + 0.1 % Citric acid at 30 and 40 days after sowing are recommended for higher yields of mustard. If available easily, pyrite is more beneficial.

  • Pearlmillet and wheat can be grown in soils containing up to 10% gypsum and in these soils ammonium sulphate is better source of Nitrogen than others.

  • Light and frequent irrigation minimizes the accumulation of salts while longer irrigation intervals induces salinity in upper layer of soil.

  • Application of saline water in conjunction with good quality is better when one or two irrigation of good quality water applied at the initial stages rather than at later stages.



VarietyBenefit Cost ratio
Irrigation water salinity
BAW 4 dS m-1 8 dS m-1 12 dS m-1
Raj 30772.362.26 2.04 1.57
Raj 4188 1.68 1.59 1.37 1.07
KRL 210 2.061.98 1.77 1.46
KRL 213 2.01 1.96 1.75 1.44
  • Thus, combination of drip irrigation and wheat variety (Raj 3077) has proved effective in ensuring higher benefit cost ratio (>2) and higher water productivity (>= 0.75 kg/m3) for wheat crop. This approach may ensure long-term sustainability of crop production in arid climatic condition. This is also true for other crops.
  • The benefit cost ratios for different crops grown with saline water through drip are provided in Table below.

Benefit Cost ratio for saline water irrigation through drip

Particular Groundnut Wheat Pearl-millet Isabgol
Range for irrigation water salinity (dS/m)0.25 to 12 0.25 to 12 0.25 to 8 0.25 to 8
Range for B/C ratio0.46 to 2.38 1.44 to 2.36 1.46 to 1.84 1.63 to 2.79

The data in Table indicated that B/C ratio for all four field crops remained above 1 in case of saline water irrigation through drip. Thus, saline water irrigation through drip is economically feasible option in arid regions.


Total 2 Lakh ha area is under drip in Rajastan. Out of it, 32,000 ha area is in saline ground water areas of Sriganganagar, Barmer, Bikaner, Churu and Jaisalmer. Thus drip is saving irrigation water, reducing salt load to root zone and preventing yield loss.

Economics of Ber cultivation/production with saline water using drip irrigation


Drip system to irrigate ber plantation (at 8m x 8m spacing) with saline irrigation water (ECiw 8 dS/m). Intercropping in interspaces between two rows of ber plants by rainfed crops like cluster bean, moth bean etc. for first four years.


  • Intercropping till 4 years gave some benefits to farmers.
  • Net returns from the ber plantation became positive 5th year onwards upto life of plantation of 25 years (Table 1).
  • Intercropping till 4 years gave some benefits to farmers.
  • Net returns from the ber plantation became positive 5th year onwards upto life of plantation of 25 years (Table 1).


  • Farmers who have ground water of high salinity, which is economically unsuitable for cultivation of most of the crops, are coming forward for cultivation of ber using drip irrigation. Some of the farmers have planted the crop and installed drip system. Centre is providing all technical information to farmers as and when required.
  • Potential areas, for this technology, are arid districts of Rajasthan.

Foliar sprays of FeSO4 and Citric acid for iron deficiency in parts of Rajasthan (Bikaner)


Sprays of 2% FeSO4 + 0.1 % Citric acid at 30 and 40 days after sowing are recommended for higher yields of groundnut, moth bean and cluster bean.


  • Increase in yield under different crops was observed 20 to 34% (Cluster bean around 25%, Mustard 30 to 34%, Ground nut 20 to 25%).


  • The technology of the AICRP centre is recommended by SKRAU, Bikaner and around 2 Lakh ha area under different crops is benefitted because of the technology to recover iron deficiency.

Gypsum bed for reclamation of alkali water


Addition of Gypsum for neutralization of alkalinity of irrigation water and soil increased the yield of crops.


  • Addition of gypsum for neutralization of alkalinity of water increased around 21% yield of Pearl millet.
  • Gypsum application reduced the alkalinity of soil and also was help full in prevention of the formation of alkali soil with the use of high RSC water. The RSC of irrigation water should be less than 4 me/L for maximum yield of crops.
  • RSC of water can be neutralized by gypsum application @ 200 kg/ha for water with RSC equal to 2 me/L.
  • RSC neutralization of each irrigation along with FYM @ 10 t/ha in soil resulted best.


This technology of AICRP on SAS & USW, Bikaner center is using by many farmers having problem of alkali water in Sikar, Nagaur, Pali and Jaipur districts of Rajasthan.

Subsurface drainage technology


Installation of subsurface drainage laterals to control the soil salinity and water logging for sustainability of irrigated agriculture in the area.


  • By installation of subsurface drainage laterals reducing the soil salinity.
  • The water table in the studied area was below 1.8 m from ground level.
  • In the installed observation wells, which are of 1.5 m depth, the water level was not present.
  • Due to installation of SSB there is notice a remarkable decrease in the fallow area both in Kharif and Rabi season. The fallow land decreased to 11.50 ha from 39.94 ha in Rabi and from 42.32 ha to 26.43 ha in Kharif.


  • Area under mustard increased to about 300% in year 2005-06 as compared to year 1997-98.
  • The increase in cropping intensity specially in Rabi season clearly indicate the cultivators faith in SSD. The cropping intensity in rabi increased to 84% from 46.3% and in Kharif it was 64% as compared to 43.57%.
  • Soil salinity decreased
  • Increase in crop productivity

Drip Irrigation for saline water for cultivation of vegetable crops in parts of Rajasthan


AICRP on SAS & USW, Bikaner centre introduce drip technology for cultivation of vegetable crop under saline irrigation water with mulching


  • The drip irrigation alone as well as with the plastic mulching can give better harvest (34.44, 47.36, 67.24, 20.94% higher yield of bottle gourd, tomato, okra and onion, respectively) with irrigation water salinity around EC 3 dS/m in light textured soil as compared to traditional (flood) method of cultivation with canal water.
  • The salts are leached away from the active root zone of plant providing better growing conditions for vegetables under drip system.


Area under drip irrigation for cultivation of vegetable crops using saline water has increased with a faster rate in arid part of Rajasthan

Precision Farming Development Centre

Technology / Variety release /Generated and Most Promising Technologies

Name of Crop: Fennel Recommendation for Farmers:
Farmer could get additional income of Rs. 44000/ha in drip irrigation with mulch as compared to conventional method of cultivation
Additional income of Rs. 37000/ha could be obtained by applying irrigation at 0.80Etc with drip irrigation if fertilizers as per schedule are applied through fertigation
A farmer could get net additional income of Rs.57,000/ha by using drip + mulch and following the irrigation & fertigation schedule
A farmer can get a profit of about Rs.55, 930/ha compared to surface irrigation method.
Cabbage (Drip irrigation)
Net additional income of Rs. 12400/- per crop /ha over conventional method
Tomato cultivation under drip with plastic mulching could fetch additional net income of Rs. 82000/- per crop/ha as compare to conventional method. However if only drip is used this reduces to Rs. 47000/-
To get higher yields and for efficient utilization of fertilizers, 100 per cent of the recommended doses of fertilizer may be applied through drip in split doses as per recommended fertigation schedule.
Cucumber (Shade net house)
From the obtained results it may be inferred that shade net house is better than open field condition for cultivation of cucumber in arid / semiarid hot regions of Rajasthan
The farmers of Rajasthan are suggested to grow capsicum under shade net house. The var. Indra is found suitable for arid zone of Rajasthan under shade net house which gives yield of about 361.26 q/ha with net return of Rs. 33148/- per 1000sqm and B: C of 2.35
Kinnow and Sweet orange
•The growers of Rajasthan are suggested to use drip irrigation system in Kinnow& Sweet Orange that will enhances yield of by 75 % and 90 % respectively over conventional method of irrigation at 100% volume of water (35.05lit/day/plant).
• If growers integrate plastic mulch with drip irrigation system the additional yield of 19% and 33% respectively for Kinnow& Sweet Orange can be obtained over conventional method of irrigation.
B: C Ratio : 4.00 for Kinnow
B: C Ratio : 4.71 sweet orange
In the tube well irrigated area where water salinity is around 4 dS/m, groundnut could be cultivated successfully using drip system with about 20% reduction in yield as compare to good quality of water.
Bottle Guard (Low tunnel)
Flowering and fruiting under low tunnel and mulch was earlier by 15-20 days as compared to the crop in open field. It is best suited for early crop of cucurbits which will fetch higher economic returns to the farmer.

Technology Developed by centre

Technique for providing water below soil surface through drip so as to avoid evaporation losses.
The drip loop system (ring method) promoted by the centre for uniform distribution of water through drip irrigation system is being adopted by many of the farmers

RKVY Project

Role of wool waste as a source of nutrients for crop production and soil improvement in Torripsamments


  1. Wool waste  in conjunction with FYM  is feasible for the production of vegetables (Onion and bottle gourd)  for sustainable  crop production system & also reduce the fertilizer dose through increasing the fertilizer use efficiency (FUE)
  2. Use of wool waste in conjunction with FYM  after decomposition  improved  the soil properties( Physical, Chemical and biological )
  3. Developed suitable method of composting  of wool waste


Gramin Krishi Mausam Sewa

Year of start : August, 1996


  • To prepare and disseminate weather forecast based agro advisory bulletins to the farmers of agro climatic zone (I c) through Mass media, extension agencies, KVKs, NGOs, ATMA Project and by personal contacts.

  • Forecast verifications using actual weather data of the local Agromet observatory.

  • To send weather data twice daily to NCMRWF, NOIDA (U.P)

  • To send Daily and monthly meteorological data(as data bank) to NCMRWF, NOIDA (U.P) by fax/post/E-mail.




Apart from these AMFU is providing weather data to agricultural scientists, Govt. officials and students of COA, Bikaner for research and academic purpose

I nformation of Weather Forecast Dissemination

  1. Through e-mail to officials of DOA, GOR

  2. Through e-mail to officials of KVKs of the Zone

  3. Through e-mail to PRO, GOR of the district

  4. Through e-mail to correspondents of Newspapers

  5. Through e-mail to AIR, Bikaner

  6. Through uploading on IMD website-District and block wise

  7. IMD DSS portal for district and block wise advisory

  8. Through e-mail to the scientists of University and ICAR

  9. Through uploading on University website

  10. Directly to the farmers

  11. In the form of SMS through – Individual/mKisan Portal

  12. Through Whatsapp groups

Details of Whatsapp groups for Weather Forecasting

  • Krishi Mausam Sewa, Bikaner (212)

  • Krishi Mausam Sewa, Churu-I (101)

  • Krishi Mausam Sewa, Churu-II (572)

  • Krishi Mausam Sewa, Jaisalmer (60)

  • Gramin Krishi Mausam Sewa (191)

  • Farmers’ group (398)

  • Pragatisheel Krishak Bikaner (63)

  • K V K Bikaner with Farmer (106)

  • Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Pokran (269)

  • Jaisalmer jaivik Krishi Samuh (99)

Average Meteorological data 1997 to 2023


Temperature (°C)

R.H.( %)

Total Rainfall (mm.)

No. of Rainy days

Wind Velocity (km./hr.)

Evap. (mm/day)






























































































































































































































































































Extension Activities

Technologies developed are made available to the farmers through scientists-farmers interaction and through extension agencies. On campus and off campus training programme are arranged for farmers and farm women. Field days and field visit are conducted to impart the technical knowhow to the farmers. Field demonstrations on important technologies are also conducted to disseminate latest technologies. The station is maintaining linkages with the line department viz. department of Agriculture, GoR, ICAR institutes, located in the zone (CIAH, CAZRI), KVK, Bikaner for transfer of technology and to gather feedback on farmers problems for new research initiates.



Delegates visiting ARS field




Seed Production in Kharif-2023 at ARS, Bikaner

S. N.



Type of Seed

Produce (Quintal)









Grand Total



Cluster Bean





Grand Total



Moth Bean









Grand Total



Pearl Millet

Raj Bajra Fodder


Grand Total


Kolayat 17.08.2017 participants - 89

Bikaner 22.08.2017 participants - 79

Shridungargarh 23.08.2017 participants - 76

Nokha 22.08.2017 participants - 97

Loonkaransar 01.09.2017 participants - 119

PFDC training

at Sirohi
at Jalore
at Rajsamand
at Udaipur
at Sriganganagar
at Hanumangarh
at Jaisalmer
at Barmer
at Jodhpur
at Pali
at Pali
at Pali

District Collector technoserve meeting at ARS

at ARS
DC visiting ARS field
Dr. Sualala Visiting our RKVY structures
Sh. K.K. Singh & team visited our station (27.12.2017)
PKVY kishan mela at ARS
Hon'ble VC SKRAU in Kishan mela

Hon'ble VC SKRAU visiting ARS field

Farmers and State govt. officials visiting ARS field

Group photo of trainees along with Govt. officers
Group photo of trainees along with Govt. officers
Ex DG R.S. Paroda visiting ARS field

Seed Production at ARS Farm

Nucleus and breeder seed production of ground nut, moth, cluster bean, barley and gram is being undertaken as per indent. Nursery has been established for production of seedling of ber, lasoda, beal and other fruit plants.

Revenue (Rs.  in Lac.) generated from seed production during last five year

Year Seed Other Total
2015-16 43.89 3.50 47.39
2016-17 36.92 4.00 40.92
2017-18 64.82 5.98 70.8
2018-19 47.66 3.75 50.41
2019-20 46.58 12.69 59.27
Total 239.87 29.92 269.79

Extension Activities

Technologies developed are made available to the farmers through scientists-farmers interaction and through extension agencies. On campus and off campus training programme are arranged for farmers and farm women. Field days and field visit are conducted to impart the technical know how to the farmers. Field demonstrations on important technologies are also conducted to disseminate latest technologies. The station is maintaining linkages with the line department viz. department of Agriculture, GoR, ICAR institutes, located in the zone (CIAH, CAZRI), KVK, Bikaner for transfer of technology and to gather feed back on farmers problems for new research initiates.

Profile of scientist

Dr. S.R. Yadav

Zonal Director Research

Agriculture Research Station- Bikaner

SSwami Keshwanand Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner

Office E-mail Address :
Office Phone No. : 0151-2250570